Self-care for Flourishing in University Students with Depressive Symptoms: Effects of an Experiential Workshop


Depressive symptoms in university students are a risk factor for their academic career and well-being. According to Seligman (2022), the optimal state of mental health and well-being is known as flourishing. All students have the right to develop their full potential, that is, to flourish, and when there are depressive symptoms, this task becomes more complicated, so it is necessary for Psychology to promote strategies for this purpose. The World Health Organization (2022) explains that self-care interventions are the most promising for global healthcare. This is why the objective of this work was to measure the effect of an experiential self-care workshop of 12 sessions, 2 hours a week each, on the depressive symptoms and flourishing of university students. It is a quantitative research, of descriptive scope, with a quasi-experimental design of pretest - intervention - posttest. 30 first-semester students of the Psychology degree from a public university in Morelia, Michoacán, Mexico participated. The Beck Depression Inventory (1996) and the Diener and Biswas-Diener (2009) Flourishing scale were applied. The results show that in all students the score of depressive symptoms decreased at the end of the workshop and those of flourishing increased. It is concluded that a self-care workshop is effective in reducing depressive symptoms in university students and increasing their flourishing. It is suggested to replicate the intervention or carry out other self-care interventions in this population that serve as a protective factor to benefit their mental health.


Ithzel Liliana Fernandez Montaño
PhD Student, Psychology, Universidad de Guadalajara, Michoacán, Mexico


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Health Promotion and Education