We cannot solve problems with the mindset that created them. Based on this assumption, Dr. Rimanoczy researched pioneering business leaders who moved from a conventional to a sustainability mindset, reshaping their organizations. She discovered the components of the Sustainability Mindset, which were stated as the Sustainability Mindset Principles. In this session Dr. Isabel Rimanoczy, co-developer of the awarded Sustainability Mindset Indicator will introduce the first instrument to map and profile where an individual is on their journey of developing a sustainability mindset. The Indicator is being used by educators to plan their teaching interventions, by scholars to research and document the impact of their courses/programs, and to provide data for accreditation reports. It is also used as a pedagogical resource for personal development of the students. Participants will receive access to the Indicator to experience it.
Presentation Type
Education, Assessment and Policy
Sustainability Mindset, Ecological Worldview, Systems Perspective, Emotional Intelligence, Spiritual Intelligence