Game On or Greenwashing? Exploring Fossil Fuel Companies’ Investment in Sport Sponsorship


Sponsorship stands as a cornerstone in the commercialisation of sport and the facilitation of sport delivery, playing a pivotal role in fostering financial support, enhancing brand visibility, and contributing to the overall sustainability and growth of the sports industry. Investing in sponsorship provides vast brand and strategic opportunities for sponsors. This form of marketing communication establishes a symbiotic co-branding relationship between sport property and sponsoring brands. This can provide significant value when brands and objectives are compatible, however when misaligned it can be damaging to both parties. An example of this is fossil fuel companies sponsoring sport. Sport sponsorship provides a powerful avenue for fossil fuel companies to shape public perception and bolster social legitimacy. These companies strategically utilise sponsorship to enhance their image and fortify their social license to operate. This commercial association raises critical concerns, as the burning of fossil fuels, their primary operations, stands as the largest contributor to climate change, consequently inflicting substantial environmental harm and social repercussions. This research explores fossil fuel sport sponsorship as a form of sportswashing and examines the extent of fossil fuel sponsorship in Australian sport. The study offers insights into the strategies employed by fossil fuel companies and provides valuable recommendations for sport organisations seeking to transition away from fossil fuel sponsorships.


Ashlee Morgan
Senior Lecturer, School of Business and Law, Edith Cowan University, Western Australia, Australia


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Sports Management and Commercialization


Sponsorship, Commercialisation, Fossil Fuel Sponsors, Greenwashing, Sportswashing, Social License