HPC-ED - a Federated Repository for High-Performance Computing Training: Finding, Sharing, and Assessing Technological Training Materials


Training materials for high-performance computing, programming, and using computational science software abound, but they can be difficult to find and often have minimal information about their relevance or quality. The HPC-ED Pilot project supports a platform that incorporates existing training materials into a repository that makes training materials findable, shareable, and integrable into training portals at local universities and research centers that support High-Performance Computing. Organizations and authors of training materials retain physical and legal ownership of their materials by sharing only the catalog information. The HPC-ED repository allows local portals to be augmented with additional content from vetted sources, integrating local and remote training resources under a single resource. Learners are able to make use of HPC training materials that are reviewed and categorized with a common metadata model. The metadata model includes a standard set of descriptive tags that allow learners to find resources more easily. The HPC-ED Pilot has involved a large number of training providers, including High-Performance Computing resource providers, universities, and other institutions to incorporate remote training materials as well as disseminate them to broader audiences. Currently initial project partners are integrating their content with the metadata schema and making resources available through the repository, and preparing tools to simplify listing content in the repository.


Richard Knepper
Director, Center for Advanced Computing, Research Division, Cornell University, New York, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Science, Mathematics and Technology Learning


Technology Training, High-Performance Computing, FAIR, Sharing and Integrating Materials