Interdisciplinary Interdialogues in the Research Training of Psychology Initiatives: Legal Psychology, Community Social Psychology and Neurosciences for Undergraduate Research Training


This paper presents a localized experience in the field of formative research from the efforts of different workshops in the field of psychology; accordingly, the relevance of research workshops in the development of research and training skills in different lines of action such as neurosciences, legal psychology and community social psychology is presented. Likewise, work strategies are presented by both workshops that have had adequate effects in the development of competencies and skills. On the other hand, the effort to link the research methodologies of the mentioned fields in order to build meeting points and facilitate the relationship between disciplinary subjects and research in psychology is presented. To this end, some efforts developed by the participants and the team of professors on the possible links in theory, research and practice are presented based on ludic and creative elements related to the use of social networks and other platforms such as the development of podcasts in the framework of the Neun and Atarraya seedbed. Finally, a series of discussions and conclusions are made about the disciplinary work from different perspectives and contributing to undergraduate training and prioritizing formative research.


Daniel Bonilla Montenegro
Professor, Psychology, Fundación Universitaria del Área Andina, Colombia

Jorge Moreno
Docente Auxiliar, Programa de Psicología - Facultad de ciencias humanas y sociales, Fundación Universitaria del Área Andina, Distrito Capital de Bogotá, Colombia

Luisa Fernanda Pardo Parra
Docente, Psicología, Fundación Universitaria del Área Andina, Cundinamarca, Colombia


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Learning in Higher Education


Education, Outreach, Psychology, Research, Seedbeds