Ways of Coping as Predictors of Job Satisfaction, Performance, and Career Achievement of Teachers


The purpose of the study was to determine teachers’ coping strategies and to investigate its effects on their job performance, satisfaction and career achievement. A total of 70 college teachers who have experienced teaching during the 2 year period of pandemic were asked about their Profile, Ways of Coping, Job Satisfaction and performance at the end of the second semester of School Year 2022. These forms provided data about the characteristics and main coping strategies (problem focused coping, wishful thinking, distancing, seeking social support, emphasizing the positive, self blame, tension reduction and self-isolation). The standard teaching performance evaluation results were used and analyzed. Results showed no profile variable was related to coping strategy, majority of teachers adopted problem-focused coping which positively correlated with performance, personal growth and career achievement, whereas emotion-focused coping showed the same correlation negatively. In conclusion, a main coping strategy may be helpful to predict teacher job performance and career achievement. Determining undesired coping strategies may provide an opportunity for intervention to prevent relevant dissatisfaction and failure.


Evangeline Dazo
Assistant Professor, Education Department, Bulacan State University, Philippines