Artificial Intelligence and Collaborative Learning Platforms: Promoting an Inclusive Environment


Integrating artificial intelligence (AI)-powered approaches into social work pedagogy is essential to creating an inclusive learning experience that addresses students’ diverse and unique needs while promoting inclusivity. Utilizing AI and collaborative learning platforms, online social work education becomes more accessible and flexible, enabling a broader group of learners to participate in the program and fostering a more welcoming learning environment. In my presentation, I discuss the interactive tools for collaboration and engagement, where students can participate in active discussions, assignments, and projects. Additionally, I share instructional strategies for proper oversight and regulation to ensure innovation and authenticity.


Jennifer Lanham
Professor, Campbellsville University/Carver School of Social Work, Kentucky, United States

Garreth Smith
Programme Coordinator , School of Social Science, Law, and Education, Technological University Dublin, Dublin, Ireland

Elizabeth Ann Moore
Assistant Professor, Carver School of Social Work, Campbellsville University, Mississippi, United States


Presentation Type

Poster Session


Technologies in Learning


Artificial Intelligence; Collaborative Learning Platforms; Inclusive Classrooms; Social Work Pedagogy