Ich habe Folter, sexuelle Gewalt, Menschenhandel und Mord importiert: An Example of “Creative” Effects of Conceptual Metonymy in German Migration Discourse


The present study aims to shed light onto a specific creative use of metonymy typical of ideological discourse. In particular, it is shown how specific instances of metonymy are capable of generating new contiguities within the conceptual domains evoked by the conceptualizer of the text. In this regard, an example extracted from German migration discourse is analyzed on the backdrop of the conceptual theory of metonymy. The analysis concentrates on the complex interactions between metaphorical and metonymic mappings underlying the expression and illustrates how the metonymy involved is liable to generate a new configuration of the conceptual domain IMMIGRANTS.


Ciro Porcaro
PhD Student, Department of European, American and Intercultural Studies, University of Rome Sapienza, Agrigento, Italy


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Communications and Linguistic Studies


Conceptual Metonymy, Creativity, German Linguistics, Migration Discourse, Conceptual Metaphor