Understanding Locally, Thinking Globally: Project and Community Based Learning in the Language Classroom


In an increasingly interconnected society characterized by its cultural diversity, mobility, multilingualism, and multiculturalism, promoting intercultural understanding is essential for nurturing informed global citizens. This study explores the transformative potential of decolonial, responsible, culturally focused research projects in language program curricula designed to enhance community engagement and cultural awareness within students’ local communities. By immersing students in meaningful research experiences that celebrate the cultural diversity surrounding them, these projects can serve as catalysts for fostering empathy, intercultural competence, second language acquisition, and an appreciation of the diverse communities that surround them. In this presentation, I will describe and provide examples of research projects conducted by students in intermediate-advanced Spanish language courses. These projects delve into the customs, traditions, languages, and social practices of the local Spanish-speaking communities surrounding Princeton University, as well as Spanish-speaking communities within Princeton University. This study also examines the ways in which the traditional and colonial models of studying Spanish-speaking communities, where students gather and interpret data from a community without considering community input and histories, can be shifted to a more humanistic approach. In this approach, students challenge stereotypes, validate culture, and acknowledge the lived experiences of the members of the local communities. With this presentation, I aim to highlight the importance of promoting and implementing responsible cultural research practices in our language classrooms. These practices inform and empower students to become responsible members of their communities—empathetic, respectful, culturally aware citizens capable of fostering meaningful connections within their local communities.


Iris Hauser
Lecturer, Spanish and Portuguese, Princeton University, New Jersey, United States


Presentation Type

Innovation Showcase


Civic, Political, and Community Studies


Diversity, Global Citizenship, Identities, Research Projects, Community Engagement, Intercultural Competence