Transforming Minds, Shaping Narratives: Integrating Transformational Learning, Critical Self-Reflection, and Mindfulness in Teaching Strategic Communications Online


This poster explores the effects of introducing a new pedagogical framework that integrates transformational learning (Mezirow, 1991), critical self-reflection (Brookfield, 1995; Schön, 1987), and mindfulness (Kabat-Zinn, 1990), into the fabric of online strategic communications master’s courses tailored to adult learners. A one-year study is underway to collect data from courses adopting a more traditional approach, with courses introducing transformational learning techniques, critical self-reflection, and mindfulness. Preliminary qualitative findings highlight positive effects on students’ engagement and skill development, manifested through active and enthusiastic participation in experiential activities. Preliminary data also point at improvement in students’ communication skills, including their ability to navigate through complex communication scenarios with empathy and adaptability, suggesting students’ enhanced sense of purpose, self-efficacy, and a deepened connection to the discipline. The author anticipates a positive effect on students’ engagement, retention, and overall satisfaction with their learning experience. This transformative pedagogy has the potential to assist students in developing a more profound understanding of the field of strategic communication, engaging not just with the technical skills necessary to succeed in the discipline but, even more importantly, with heightened self-awareness, presence, and emotional intelligence, which are crucial skills in the ever-evolving, post-pandemic, professional sphere. Early findings shed light on the importance of embracing a holistic education approach to foster satisfactory and enriching learning experiences in the attempt to equip learners with resilience, self-awareness, presence, emotional intelligence, and change management skills that have become key to successfully navigating through the challenges of the modern communication landscapes.


Federica Fornaciari
Full Professor, Arts & Humanities, National University, United States


Presentation Type

Poster Session


Past and Present in the Humanistic Education


Transformational Learning, Critical Self-reflection, Mindfulness, Resilience, Self-Awareness, Presence, Emotional Intelligence