The Contribution of University Pedagogy of Teaching-learning Processes in Higher Education


University Pedagogy (PU) is an epistemological field that contributes to the training of higher education teachers through the constitution of pedagogical advisory spaces in universities in Brazil and abroad. The notoriety of the contribution of pedagogical advisors can be assessed by the increasing number of universities committed to quality that has adopted it. The Study and Research Group on University Pedagogy (GEPPU/UNESP/Brazil) researches this field, articulating it with university policy, management, and organization, as well as its connection with language, diversity, representation and humanization of the pedagogical work. Through these research results, it aims to sensitize sectors of the university administration towards the establishment of policies that implement and/or maintain pedagogical advisors in their staff. Based on bibliographic research and the ten years of GEPPU’s activities, this study propose actions to implement and expand pedagogical advisors in universities. Thus, we argue that universities should trigger the reflection of professors on their teaching , researching and extensioning towards the university role as a formative institution composed of various pedagogies to be understood and valued. In addition, teaching, research and extension need to be articulated with science, art and culture through interdisciplinary projects. We conclude that, for this advancement, both Brazilian and international universities must establish institutional policies to guarantee the insertion of University Pedagogy as a condition for the humanization of teaching and learning processes in higher education.


Maria Antonia Ramos De Azevedo
Professor, Education, Universidade Estadual Paulista UNESP, São Paulo, Brazil

Andreia Osti
Associate Professor, Education, Universidade Estadual Paulista UNESP, São Paulo, Brazil

Joyce Mary Adam
Student, Professor, Universidade Estadual Paulista/UNESP, São Paulo, Brazil


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Past and Present in the Humanistic Education


Pedagogical Advising Higher Education University Pedagogy