The Use of Gothic Short Stories in the Language Classroom as a Didactic Tool to Increase Oral Participation : Boosting ESOL Engagement


Learning English as a second or foreign language has become a chief goal for almost anyone in the world because it helps us to communicate in different contexts and for different purposes. In response to this increasing demand for English for communication, greater emphasis has been placed on the speaking skill in several educational institutions and language programs. Oral classroom tasks are a major component of English language instruction, and participation in these tasks is crucial. However, encouraging learners to actively participate in speaking activities is not always an easy task due mainly to a lack of confidence and low levels of motivation. This unwillingness may become a stumbling block on the pupils’ learning path and hinder their linguistic competence. The opposite is true since it has been observed that language learning is enhanced when the level of interaction rises. This study looks at the role of Gothic short stories discussions in the improvement of oral participation in the ESOL classroom. In detail, this research identifies literary elements of Gothic short stories that may encourage language learners to participate during class discussions. It also considers the effectiveness of literary discussion tasks as a technique to increase students’ oral participation in class. In communicative learning contexts, the driving forces that encourage students to learn a foreign language certainly play a central role, and through this analysis light is shed on the use of Gothic short stories as a didactic resource to boost classroom engagement through oral activities.


Jacqueline Araya Ríos
Professor, Foreign Language Department, Universidad Nacional, San José, Costa Rica

Karla María Fonseca Sánchez
Profesor, Foreign Language Department, Universidad Nacional, San José, Costa Rica


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Communications and Linguistic Studies


Didactics, Gothic Short Stories, ESOL, Class Discussions, Oral Participation