Musicality in mother-child interaction is universal and favours the communicative and artistic development of the baby. Sensitivity to the sound patterns of the mother’s voice allows the transmission of emotions, the stimulation of cognitive abilities and the creation of bonds, integrating fundamental musical elements in the early developmental process. This research presents the deviation of the temporal continuum as a transversal element of music and human communication; this temporal disruption is capable of activating or modulating behaviour, giving expressiveness to interactions and mobilising emotional aspects in the construction of contingency. Through the dialogical relationship between subjects, emotional and cultural aspects mediated by temporality are observed. It is in the womb that the first space of interaction between mother and child is opened up, which continues after birth, allowing not only the learning of the primitive characteristics of the child’s language through melody, but also the construction of intersubjectivity on the part of the dyad. This bond, based on the recognition of the needs of the other through verbal and non-verbal cues and the appropriate response to these needs mediated by time, is called contingency and is an indicator of connection in the dialogical relationship. Based on the study of the deviation of the time continuum in the vocal interaction between mother and baby, the signs of communication present in this musical relationship are analysed in a stage of the infant’s development characterised by vulnerability.
Raul RinconStudent, PhD, Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas - Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal
Presentation Type
Paper Presentation in a Themed Session
The Arts in Social, Political, and Community Life
Communicative Musicality, Continuous Time, Art and Communication, Premature Dyads