The Epistemic Status of the Art Theory for a Cuban Cultural Thought in the First Half of the Twentieth Century


This paper defines art theory’s epistemic status and scope as part of a broader cultural thought program in Cuba during the first half of the Twentieth Century. A work of this nature allows us to relocate in time the emergence of a cultural thought that creatively assumed the contributions of Germany, France, the United States and the UK. Cultural essays written by Fernando Ortiz, Jorge Mañach and Alejo Carpentier also considers the influences, scope and limitations of these author’s art theory reflections. This interdisciplinary inquiry is anchored in the hermeneutical paradigm and based on the methodological principles of art theory, the sociology of culture and literary studies.


Yaneidys Arencibia Coloma
Postdoctoral Fellow, School of Arts, Languages and Cultures, Faculty of Humanities, University of Manchester, United Kingdom


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Arts Histories and Theories


Theory of Art, Cuban Cultural Thought, Sociology of Culture