The Aesthetics of a Social Media Scam: Using Amalia Ulman's "Excellences and Perfections" to Interrogate Lies on Social Media


Amalia Ulman’s “Excellences and Perfections” has been called the first great social media artwork by curators at the Tate Modern. The work consists of a 6-month hoax based on Instagram in which the already successful Ulman tricks her friends and followers into believing a fully-scripted life catastrophe. Ulman’s work has a great deal to tell us about the nature of aesthetics on contemporary social media and how machine learning-based tools have now automated her Cindy Sherman-like consolidation of popular aesthetics. Taking us through the “whore”, the “it girl” and the “reformed whore” (in her own words) Ulman shows us that simply “looking” true is often enough.


Joshua Westerman
Research Fellow, Mathematics, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


New Media, Technology and the Arts


Social media, Automation, AI, Machine learning, Aesthetics, New media, Interpretation