From STEM to STEAM: Meeting the Urgent Needs of Developing STEAM Literacy


STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) has recently gained popularity, particularly in Hong Kong. However, traditional STEM approaches often overlook the importance of design and creative expression. The STEAM (STEM + Art) approach may create a holistic learning experience by integrating art education. This integration fosters imagination, creativity, and critical thinking skills. Despite its potential, the effectiveness of art education in STEAM remains unclear. Moreover, there is a significant knowledge gap regarding how students truly learn within this approach. It is crucial to develop STEAM literacy in Education. This paper emphasizes the urgent need to develop STEAM literacy in education and proposes an evaluation of the impact of art education within STEAM.


William Ko Wai Tang
Acting Head of Education and Assistant Professor, Education, Hong Kong Metropolitan University, Hong Kong


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Pedagogies of the Arts


STEAM, Art Education, Literacy