Bouncing Back and Finding Joy in the Music Classroom: Utilizing the Tools of Business Theory, Cognitive Behavioral and Acceptance and Commitment Therapies to Rediscover Your Love of Teaching


The purpose of this workshop is to present research-based practices from the fields of Business Theory, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Mindfulness Practices, and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy to assist music teachers struggling with burnout in their classrooms. Workshop participants will be invited to rediscover their motivation for their jobs, define appropriate boundaries with their superiors, their students and their community, challenge negative statements of negative self-efficacy, and learn about practices to reduce stress and increase engagement and enjoyment in their work and personal lives.


Victorai Furby
Associate Professor and Coordinator of Music Education, Music, SUNY-Buffalo State University, New York, United States


Presentation Type

Workshop Presentation


Pedagogies of the Arts


Music Teaching, Teacher Burnout, Mindfulness, Self-Efficacy